The winter months used to leave my face so dry and I was constantly needing to moisturize my face (and hair) until I created a regimen that has worked for me. During the winter, I usually prefer thicker creams and I also apply a thin layer of Vaseline over the creams to make sure that I lock in the moisture, throughout my busy days.
I prefer not to dowst my face in water when I'm cleansing my skin. Instead, I use wet, white face towels after I massage the products onto my face with my hands. This winter, I'm loving the Shea Moisture's African Black Soap Bamboo Charcoal Detoxifying Foaming Facial Wash (I know long title for a product). This is a light weight cleanser that leaves my skin feeling clean after massaging into my face.
I'm an old fashion gal and I also love using Noxzema's Classic Cream (the original deep cleansing cream) on the weekends when I'm not rushing and have more time to do a deep clean. I love the immediate tingles and vapor I feel when I apply the cream to my face. You can apply this cleanser on a wet or dry face.
My daily routine usually consists of me washing my face with warm to hot water, and applying the Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Night Cream afterwards and first thing in the morning. I know, I know it's a recommended night time cream but the thick consistency of the cream keeps my face moisturized throughout my eight hour work day. Whenever I use this cream, I only have to apply it once a day. I find that with thinner based creams, I have to apply them several times a day.
Another Shea Moisture product I'm loving is the Peace Rose Oil Complex Sensitive Skin Mud Mask (with Date Palm & Camellia Extracts). I use this mask, weekly and remove the product with a damp face towel. You only need to apply a thin layer of this product and let it sit for about 10 minutes on your face. It smells amazing and looks like putty but it's texture is soft.
As a naturalista, I wash my hair weekly and therefore, my hair products are always running down my face on wash day. This creates another gateway to dirt and oil accumulating on my face. I have started wearing makeup every now and then and so these facial products really help my skin look flawless in the winter months.
According to some tips that I've found online, here's a cool tip for your skin care regime: "Silk fabrics are a lot less irritating and drying to your skin than cotton. If you're suffering with dry and flaky winter skin, it could be worth switching your current pillowcase for a silk one that will be a little bit kinder to your face. Also, make sure to change your pillow cases regularly. Your skin won't be happy rest(ing) on a pillow case covered with two week old night cream (https://www.finder.com.au/important-skincare-tips-for-skin-in-winter )."
I am currently looking for an under eye cream or serum that helps lighten those dark circles under my eyes. For now, I use concealer of course to hide them or I rock a pair of fierce sunglasses but if you know of a creams or serums that works, let me know.
I try to keep my skin care routines basic to avoid drying out my skin. Although I love me some good old hot water and Vaseline to clean and moisturize my face. I know that my face needs to be deeply cleaned to get rid of dirt and oil build ups. Please don't forget to moisturize your lips as well, they are apart of your face and chapped lips aren't cute. If you have sensitive skin, check with your dermatologist first before applying any products that could be harmful to your skin.
What skin care products are you using this winter that keeps your face cleansed, hydrated and moisturized? Share your skin care regime in the comments.