Want to buy your partner a V-day gift that says "I Love You" but you're on a budget? Don't worry, I've provided you with a list of 7 gifts that will put a smile on his or her face. Ladies, feel free to share this post with your man if you know that he needs a little help with finding you a perfect gift.
Massage coupon: Groupon is always having great deals on massages in your local area. You may not get a full body massage but any massage, says "I love you."
Customized gift box: Customize a gift box for your partner. Put a few items in the box of things that your partner enjoys daily, on special occasions or while on vacation. For example, you can create a gift box with four chocolate covered strawberries, a bottle of wine, a card and a journal, if your partner loves wine and to write like me. You can replace journal with anything that your partner loves.
Pandora charm: Pandora charms are all affordable but they have charms that range from $35-$45 usually. Check online for sales or charms that are going out
A romantic night in: Bubble bath, candles, rose petals and wine. You can always avoid the crowds and make it a special night at home that will spice up the romance in your relationship. You can do this regardless if you're married, single or in a relationship.
Amazon wishlist item. Ask your partner what's on their wishlist and buy an item or two without spending over $50. If their wishlist or Amazon cart is anything like mine, brace yourself, it can be items well over $200. But your partner will definitely love you if you purchase something from their Amazon wishlist, this helps you buy exactly what they want instead of playing the guessing game.
Gift card: Give them a gift card to their favorite stores, restaurant or to do some online shopping. This gift to express your love, won't be a disappointment. Again, you will be purchasing exactly what your partner likes.
Membership/class of their choice: Purchase a membership or put $50 towards a membership of their choice to help motivate them to enjoy the perks of a membership that they've been having their eyes on but just haven't purchased it yet. Memberships can be for the gym, wine club or coaching program. You can purchase a class of their choice for a new skill that they want to learn.
I hope you're having a great Valentine Day with that special person in your life. If you're single and feeling the V-day blues, I'm sending you a virtual hug and know that you are loved and special to me.
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