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The Bossette Breakthrough by Crystal Iris

Writer: Felicia T. SimpsonFelicia T. Simpson

Updated: Apr 25, 2019

"The Bossette Breakthrough: The Roadmap to More Love, Faith and Freedom, is a deeply personal journey that author Crystal Iris takes you on in hopes to dig deeper into whatever it is that is holding you back from being free. This book takes you on a ride of ups and downs and transformations." - (back cover text)

Using the analogy of using GPS while driving, I have to say, Crystal Iris definitely painted a picture for her readers to understand her roadmap to more love, faith and freedom in this book. I naturally, bought the book because she is not only one of my biggest supporters, but she's a true genuine friend whom I am so very proud of. As a doctoral candidate in International Psychology, she is highly qualified, to help you reconstruct your life on whatever journey your life takes you.

In this book, she not only prepares you for the journey ahead, she helps navigate you through confirmations of self-doubt by sharing her own life experiences, through transparent accounts of some of the lowest points in her life. As a bossette, myself, this book has definitely reminded me to stay on the road that God has for me and "Fill Er Up" as needed. I enjoyed the activities that she provided in the book at the end of some of the chapters. These activities will help you reflect and apply, what you've learned through the reading. I love books with short activities in them because, sometimes, I won't retain much of what I read, if I'm not required to do so.

On Sunday's, I go to my favorite cozy place that sells wine and I enjoy a glass of wine or several, a cheese board and I'll read a book. I go early, about noon because usually, I'm the only one there and I can focus on my reading. So naturally, and because this book is a page turner, I bought this book with me on several occasions and read it.

We've all been in situations or times in our lives where we haven't made the best decisions or down right done things that went against our morals and values. In this book, Crystal Iris instructs you on how to use more love and faith to free yourself from any feelings of guilt or shame. Bossette, get out of your feelings and go after your freedom! The tests that you are going through in this life, is preparing you for your next level.

Crystal provides us readers with tips on how to incorporate meditation practices in our daily routine to quiet the mind. I love her acronym S.T.A.R.T. which stands for Speak That And Reap That. This acronym can also be used in conjunction with meditation. Once you meditate, start speaking positive words into existence in your life. This of course is similar to my love for the law of attraction principle. She also encouraged us to read our vision statements daily. That's something, I never thought to do outside of reciting it for business purposes. I never looked at my vision statement as words of affirmation that will be manifested if I speak it daily into existence. Wow!

If you're looking for the perfect holiday gift for that Bossette that you know or you yourself, this book is the perfect gift to purchase (wine not included). From creating "I AM" statements to discovering ways to ACTivate your faith and having the universe align with it. You are all set to begin the roadmap to your freedom.

Do you struggle with things from your past? What are the things that's keeping you from living your best life, today? Share your thoughts in the comments and let's discover together with Crystal Iris, your roadmap to more love, faith and freedom.

To order Crystal Iris book, The Bossette Breakthrough click here

Author: Crystal Iris


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