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Quit Playing Small by Ahyiana Angel

Writer: Felicia T. SimpsonFelicia T. Simpson

"Those who are watching notice the detail and the effort that you put in. They notice the time that you take to execute. They observe your capacity to go above and beyond, and that's when they really become impressed. That's when you've managed to say "I'm here" without having to say a word. Your work says: I show up and I perform with excellence every single time, so you want me on your team. That's how you want people to feel about you. You want them to want you on their team. You want them to want to work with you. You want them to value your intelligence, your expertise, and your opinions. You want to be an asset." - Ahyianna Angel

When I read those words that Ahyianna wrote in her new book, Quit Playing Small, I almost fell over because of the amount of truth in those words I saw for myself. As a lifestyle blogger, creative and any other titles that society bestows upon me, those words in her title alone, rang like the sounds of bells in my ears. I never set out to make people notice me but because of the things that I do daily just by showing up, people can't help but see me as an asset in some type of way....or as social media calls us "influencers."

When I first bought this book, the plan was to read a chapter per day because I'm known to race through books (I comprehend what I've read so I don't see what's the problem with that lol). I really set out to breath in the words that Ahiyana spoke in this book because I'm a new fan of her podcast and she has so much knowledge to share with the world. Needless to say, I wasn't disappointed by this read either, she certainly is a bestseller with this one!

".....keep going. You never know who's watching. You never know who's observing you. You never know who is trying to see how you move. They may be setting up a plan to approach you with an awesome opportunity. You don't know, but if you slack off I can assure you that you'll never know." - Ahyianna Angel

I am so guilty of wanting to quit all of the time but my gut tells me to keep going. I can honestly say that I've learned that by now, if I don't quit or give up, chances are, there is a moment of opportunity waiting for me if I just keep going. I know that so many people are watching me and cheering me on so I stay the course of those difficult roads in life when no one is looking.

Let's switch gears for a minute and consider networking from social media. I've met and have personally admired so many women from following them on social media. Our virtual worlds connecting has made my life, so much better. I don't know what relationships I could have possibly not gained, if I had "slacked off" as Ahiyanna stated above. The greatest joy I hear from people complimenting my social media (especially my Instagram stories) is soothing to my soul because it's more than just creating cute content. It's about helping people or influencing people to change their overall lifestyle for the better, through the content that I create.

Finally, I'm very confident that one day, a huge opportunity will arise because I didn't give up or quit playing small when I knew that I was worthy of having what I want and need in life.

What area of your life, do you need to quit playing small? Post your thoughts in the comments.


Quit Playing Small

by Ahyianna Angel

Instagram: @ahyiannaangel

Instagram: @switchpivotorquit

Podcast: Switch Pivot or Quit


Purchase book here on Amazon.


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